Month: March 2011

A Timeout For The Fab Five

We interrupt our regularly scheduled exposing of the absurdity of “reimbursements” to bring you a bit of positive news. Following last Wednesday’s first post on statutory expense payments, I requested updated records from both the House and Senate, which I…

The Audacity of "Nope"

Yesterday afternoon, House Republicans prevented the passage of House Bill 1193, the appropriations bill for the Arkansas School for the Deaf, because the bill contained a spending increase. Of $6,389. For the ENTIRE YEAR. Oh, sure, $532.42/month may not sound…

Ides of March Gallimaufry

When the soothsayer told Julius Caesar to “beware the ides of March,” she wasn’t talking about him getting stabbed fiftyleven times.  Your English teacher lied to you.  The soothsayer was cautioning Caesar and anyone else who would listen that some…

Well Said

Busy day, but I wanted to get this posted and hopefully expand on the thought later. When he was running as the Vice Presidential half of Thomas E. Dewey’s Republican ticket in 1948, Earl Warren, then the Governor of California,…