Category: Economics

The De-Regulation Bamboozle

If you were to ask your basic, stereotypical CEO crybaby, such as Jamie Dimon, what the biggest threat to freedom is, they would undoubtedly answer “regulation.” Because, you know, there’s nothing worse than asking corporations play by the rules.  But…

Ides of March Gallimaufry

When the soothsayer told Julius Caesar to “beware the ides of March,” she wasn’t talking about him getting stabbed fiftyleven times.  Your English teacher lied to you.  The soothsayer was cautioning Caesar and anyone else who would listen that some…

No tax cut! Denied!

I have no idea how I missed this. Following the tabling of his proposed tax cut for some used vehicles, Sen. Gilbert Baker (R-30, Conway) went on softcore smut peddler Dave Elswick’s radio show to vent.  Along with accusing Rep.…