Mike Huckabee Grounds High-Flying Mike Preston

One of the surprises of the tourney was that long-time fool and noted bigot Mike Huckabee (R-Florida) was not a top-four seed in any part of the bracket, slotting in at 5 in The Other Side Of The Levee region. Fans were curious to see how Huckabee’s game would fare in 2018, since much of Huck’s offense seems dated and boring.
Unfortunately, the questions surrounding Huck’s style of play will have to wait until the second round. This isĀ because first-class flight accommodations were not available for travel to the Levee region, so high-flying Mike Preston simply did not show up. Said Preston through a spokesperson, “What am I, an animal? I’m head of the Economic Development Commission; it’s first class or nothing for me, baby!”

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