More than Words: Another Exchange with Stanley

Yesterday was interesting. Following the first post about Sen. Jason Rapert (R-374 Breezewood Rd., Bigelow, AR 72016), he attempted to call me[footnote]Note: I didn’t throw a fit when he managed to locate MY cellphone number.[/footnote], got no answer, and then emailed me, leading to a second post. I figured that would be the end of it, because–surely!–even StanJay was not so ridiculous as to continue an argument over email when his initial threats accomplished nothing.

Thing is, I should’ve known better. No one should ever underestimate Rapert’s willingness to continue arguing long after he should know better.
To wit (again, footnotes are all mine):

I have minor children and a wife. Your actions are endangering them due to other circumstances you are unaware of.[footnote]Again, I reposted information that was already on other websites; your sense of self-importance is rivaled only by your utter cluelessnes.[/footnote] You are jeopardizing our safety sir.
I have asked you to consider this.[footnote]And I have declined.[/footnote]  I had hoped that you would sense the urgency of this request and respond in a decent manner.[footnote]I thought pointing out all of the ways in which you were wrong and your email was absurd was decent of me; think of it as a learning opportunity.[/footnote]
Fight me on political issues all you want[footnote]Your “political issues” have been fought, and your side has lost thanks to federal judges who see through your bullshit. I’ve moved on. You should, too.[/footnote] – but when you disregard the safety of my family carelessly you have crossed the line.[footnote]Apparently, it’s “careless” to use Google and repeat what you find.[/footnote]
Sen. Jason Rapert
Arkansas Senate
District 35

Oh, yeah…that’s the good stuff. That’s the kind of completely baseless self-righteous indignation that is Rapert’s true medium. To recap: Because I Googled “Stanley Jason Rapert voter registration,” then posted what was contained in the very first result, I have crossed a line, stooped to new lows, endangered him and his family, and (QUITE POSSIBLY) run afoul of several state and federal laws (at least based on his one week of law-school experience)!
How to respond to such a missive? I mean, I feel like we’ve reached a point where the back and forth of the written word is pointless. So I opted for a different kind of response, sending the following (and nothing else):

Hopefully, this assortment of funny GIFs brightened ol’ Snowflake Stanley’s day just a little bit. It was the least I could do for him, given how he entertained so many of us yesterday.

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