The Rut Beats Ladyman In Physical Contest

Attorney General Leslie Rutledge came into this game with the kind of swagger that lets a person brag about a “big” election victory when she fared the worst of all of the statewide winners. State Rep. Jack Ladyman, however, was similarly confident, stating before the game that “no little lady is gonna sass me without paying for it.”
The game was tight, with The Rut bouncing around the court like she was hopping between jobs while Ladyman was throwing elbows and playing dirty in the post. Late in the second half, with only seconds remaining, The Rut was down one as she drove the lane and was fouled hard with a punch to the face by Ladyman before she could even try to shoot. She jumped up, yelled “one and one, bitches!,” and proceeded to hit both free throws to give her a one point lead. When Ladyman’s desperation heave at the buzzer missed, The Rut advanced to the Sweet Sixteen.

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