We interrupt your regularly scheduled bashing of Arkansas Republicans and their ridiculous ideas for a moment of praise for one Republican lawmaker. First, an observation. I have two kids — a twelve-year-old son and a three-year-old daughter. Despite the gender…
Author: bhr_iat2rz
Just When I Thought I Was Out, They Pull Me Back In (At 520% Interest)
Via Jason Tolbert, I see that Steve Brawner has written in defense of Senate Bill 586, which would carve certain exceptions to the constitutional 17-percent interest rate cap for loans under $5000. (In case you were wondering, that would be…
Mid-Day Miscellany
“Well, if it was a link-dump, I wouldn’t ask questions; I’d just quote a price. But then, a link-dump is a non-lethal object, isn’t it?” Content partner Roby Brock reports that opinions are pretty varied on two specific tax cuts…
BHR Op-Ed: LJ Bryant Discusses Winning In 2012 And Beyond
First let me thank you for the opportunity to share my thoughts and for your support with three races in 2010. Even if you didn’t support our campaign, if you are reading this, thank you for your interest in public…
Talk Business: "Fireworks" Likely In Redistricting Debate
With Arkansas’s 2010 Census data in, the process of redrawing Arkansas’s state and federal congressional districts is soon to begin. Content partner Roby Brock takes a look at some of the underlying issues and notes that, either due to or…
HB 1292: BHR dice que "muchas gracias" a estos legisladores valientes.
Last Wednesday, the House Committee on State Agencies voted down HB 1292, which would have denied state benefits or services to any undocumented residents except in life-saving situations. The bills flaws — denying prenatal care to pregnant women whose children,…
Guest Post: Legislature Coins A Quarter Controversy
[Editor’s note: An anonymous fan of our web site submits a story that surely The Onion or The Daily Show would appreciate. We found it hilarious and thought it worth passing along to you as an early April Fools gift.…
ABC, As Easy As 1-2-3 (Or 90% of $900K)
When I wrote the first post about Rep. Justin Harris and his daycare, Growing God’s Kingdom (“GGK”), I purposefully kept the post focused entirely on the money received and not the propriety of the money itself. As the story has…
All Hail Your New Oligarchy Overlords
Accelerated in large part by the truly execrable Citizens United decision, America is quickly sliding into an oligarchy. Sadly, this is no longer hyperbole: we’ve always known many politicians were nothing more than puppets for the rich, they simply don’t…
This Week In Facepalm: Reps. Edwards, Steel, and Vines
Lost in the drama of the Democrat co-sponsors trying to have their names removed from unconstitutional HB 1002 last week was an accounting of which Democrats actually voted for the bill. There were nine such votes, to wit: John Catlett*…