In what should come as no surprise to anyone who has read BHR for more than about two days, my legal background tends to be the prism through which I view 99% of policy questions. The 1% of the time…
Author: bhr_iat2rz
Rep. Hubbard, Your Village Is On Line 2. They Miss You.
You know that old saw about how “it’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt”? Representative Jon Hubbard (R-Jonesboro) doesn’t buy into that idea one bit. Today, during the discussions on…
Econ 101: The Beatings Will Continue Until Morale Improves
Rep. Ed Garner’s hypothesis, plainly stated, is this: we will encourage more companies to come here and create more jobs, making everyone’s life better in the long run, if we just remove the capital gains tax on new investments. Implicit…
Econ 101: On Deficit Spending
As long as we’re knee-deep in economic theory today, I thought I’d touch on something else that’s been bouncing around the Blue Hog Hollowed-Out Volcano Lair: the deficit. After all, you can’t turn on national news these days without hearing…
AR-House Dist. 41: Oh, Now I Get It
After writing the previous post about Ed Garner’s HB 1002, I started to wonder why, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, Garner was so hell-bent on repealing the tax. I mean, I’m not the only one saying…
Econ 101: Incorrect Statements In Video Form, by Ed Garner
Rep. Ed Garner’s HB 1002, his effort to remove Arkansas’s already preferential capital gains rate, is due to be discussed in the House Revenue & Tax Committee today. I’ve written extensively about this measure, both in the abstract and in…
Science: Snow As A Byproduct of Global Warming
I really hoped I would get through this snowstorm without having to write this post. Honestly, I did. But, having just read the 4,552,395th snarky comment about “global warming” and the snow, I feel like someone needs to attempt to…
A Brief Aside
[I feel like I should state up front that no one at LobbyUp or Phillips Management asked me to write the following. This is entirely based on my own positive experience with the product. –M] Early last month, I answered…
Republicans, Megalomania, and You
If nothing else, your modern Republican is modest. Well, modest in the way that Liberace was a modest dresser. Whether it’s a new-found ability to channel the Founding Fathers in a way that meets your own myopic viewpoint or the…
AR-Sec. State: About Those PAC Filings, Mark
During the race for Secretary of State, an issue arose with some improperly formed PACs that had donated to Mark Martin’s campaign. Being the helpful guy that I am, I contacted the Martin campaign and let them know about the…