Author: bhr_iat2rz

AR-Gov: I Got These Cheeseburgers!

Building off of Jeff’s earlier post, here are the numbers for the AR-Gov race (h/t Blake): Arkansas Gov. Mike Beebe has more than $2.7 million cash-on-hand. His campaign reported raising more than half a million dollars in the month of…

Econ 101: Austerity Has Unicorns

It’s not my intention to turn this blog into all-econ, all the time.  But, maybe, if we repeat it enough, this message will get through to the amazing number of Arkansans who don’t get it, especially those in office or…

AR-04: Razing Arizona

Rep. Mike Ross released an official statement today detailing why he opposes the lawsuit filed by the Justice Department last week challenging Arizona’s SB 1070 immigration law.  The alleged Democrat’s statement even managed to parrot all of the major talking…

Off-Topic: Greetings from space

The very awesome picture above is the first full-sky picture from the Planck Telescope.  Launched in 2009 and costing € 700MM, the Planck Telescope is on a mission to measure tiny variations in the oldest light in the universe —…