Author: bhr_iat2rz

AR-Sen: Map Favors Boozman in GOP Primary

Jason Tolbert explains why geography and demographics make John Boozman the heavy favorite for the GOP nomination in the AR-Sen race.  Basically, it comes down to this: Traditionally, Republican primaries are won and lost in Northwest Arkansas. The 3rd Congressional…

AR-Sen: In The Blogs

Blue Arkansas blog offers a rundown of the most recent Rasmussen polling numbers for Blanche Lincoln’s seat. UPDATE: Not surprisingly, Faith and Freedom Coalition is embracing the very bias that Blue Arkansas mentioned.

AR-02: More On Social Media In Campaigns

Yesterday, I mentioned the seeming lack of understanding by Arkansas candidates on how to implement a coherent social media strategy.  As luck would have it, Patrick Kennedy posted a Facebook note touching (somewhat) on this issue yesterday as well. Sadly,…

AR-Sen: Halter Raises More Than $2M in 31 Days

Following last night’s deadline for first-quarter financial reporting, Carol Butler, campaign manager for Bill Halter, said that the candidate had raised over $2M since announcing that he would seek Blanche Lincoln’s Senate seat. Obviously, given the monetary lead Lincoln had…

AR Dept. of Health receives $400K grant

Senators Lincoln and Pryor and Congressmen Ross, Snyder, and Berry issued a joint announcement yesterday that the Arkansas Department of Health will receive a $400K grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to expand its capacity to…