Category: Economics

Think Tank Memorial End-of-Day Miscellany

According to the Kubler-Ross model, there are five discrete stages people go through when dealing with grief or tragedy: denial (“No…no…this isn’t happening! Lalalalalala, I can’t hear you!!” /sticks fingers in ears), anger (“ARGH! Me smash things! Stupid grief!!! /punches…

AR-Sen: Boozman As Sisyphus

Still pushing that rock up the hill, John Boozman writes: Instead of making hard decisions to change this course, President Obama and his allies in Congress, including Senator Lincoln, have vowed to throw money at every problem they encounter —…

Econ 101: A Quick Post For The Austerity Crowd

Well this certainly doesn’t jibe with what the we-have-to-stop-spending-or-we’ll-kill-the-market crowd keeps telling me. The Dow Jones Industrial Average closed at 10,428 Monday, finally breaking back into positive territory for the year. At its low on 7/2, the market was down…

Econ 101: Austerity Has Unicorns

It’s not my intention to turn this blog into all-econ, all the time.  But, maybe, if we repeat it enough, this message will get through to the amazing number of Arkansans who don’t get it, especially those in office or…