Category: Ethics

2011 Legislative Preview: HB 1022

See here for previous posts in this series. Bill Name: AN ACT TO AMEND ARKANSAS LAW CONCERNING LOBBYIST REGISTRATION BY A FORMER MEMBER OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY Sponsors: Eddie Cheatham (D-9), 870-364-5659, Purpose: To amend Arkansas Code Annotated §…

Econ 101: The GOP and The CBO

Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office released its estimates on the costs that would accompany a full repeal of healthcare reform.  The New York Times reports that [t]he nonpartisan budget scorekeepers in Congress said on Thursday that the Republican plan to…

2011 Legislative Preview: HB 1017

See here for previous posts in this series. Bill Name: AN ACT CONCERNING THE CREATION OF A WEBSITE TO ASCERTAIN THE REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES OF STATE AGENCIES Sponsor: Ed Garner (R-41), 501-663-7880, Purpose: To create a  free searchable online…

AR-Sec. State: Martin Disputes Ad Buys

I was perusing content partner Roby Brock‘s post about the post-election debts, donations, and disparities in certain constitutional office races, when I noticed this little gem: Republican Mark Martin raised $69,380 in his successful bid for Secretary of State. He…