If you were to ask your basic, stereotypical CEO crybaby, such as Jamie Dimon, what the biggest threat to freedom is, they would undoubtedly answer “regulation.” Because, you know, there’s nothing worse than asking corporations play by the rules. But…
Category: National
Rep. Harris On Being Admirable, Steadfast, and Genuine
I was glad that Jeff wrote the piece earlier today about how President Obama deserved credit for the killing of Osama bin Laden for two reasons. First, it proved that Jeff was still alive, which was something that we all…
The Wimpiest Generation
In 1998, Tom Brokaw wrote the book The Greatest Generation, telling the story of those who grew up during The Great Depression, fought through WWII, and helped re-build the country in the process. These were extraordinarily tough people, working first…
Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth
[Author’s note: I started writing this over the weekend, only to find on Monday that King & Spaulding backed out of the deal yesterday. Either way, the broader point in this still stands.] Last week, the House Bipartisan Legal Advisory…
Up Next On BHR TVLand!
Just sit right back, and you’ll hear a tale A tale of some rightward twits Who threw a party serving tea Aboard a flound’ring ship The mate was a vocal Birtherman The skipper a greedy rube If the passengers should…
AR-01: I Hear Sears Is Having A Sale On Hypocrisy, Rick
Politico has a story today about a letter that freshman Republican representatives are sending to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, which includes this passage: Mr. Reid, your record on spending in the Senate is one of failure. You have failed…
AR-01: "With the buzz cut and the bow tie? This is a nightclub, not a John F. Kennedy cabinet meeting."*
When first-district voters went to the polls last November, they knew many things about Rick Crawford: owner/operator of AgWatch Network (which was like a farm-centric Little Orphan Annie to all the farm-centric Ralphie Parkers in Arkansas), friend of Pat Boone…
Ides of March Gallimaufry
When the soothsayer told Julius Caesar to “beware the ides of March,” she wasn’t talking about him getting stabbed fiftyleven times. Your English teacher lied to you. The soothsayer was cautioning Caesar and anyone else who would listen that some…
Well Said
Busy day, but I wanted to get this posted and hopefully expand on the thought later. When he was running as the Vice Presidential half of Thomas E. Dewey’s Republican ticket in 1948, Earl Warren, then the Governor of California,…
Mid-Day Miscellany
“Well, if it was a link-dump, I wouldn’t ask questions; I’d just quote a price. But then, a link-dump is a non-lethal object, isn’t it?” Content partner Roby Brock reports that opinions are pretty varied on two specific tax cuts…