Category: Uncategorized

AL-02: Nuttier Than Squirrel Turds

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled Arkansas-centric political blogging for this ad from Alabama’s second congressional district. In the crazy-cake-taking contest, the ominous “SLAVERY” from ol’ Abe takes the cake, but that ad was nuts on a number of levels. Though, really,…

RWC: The Missing Ingredient?

John Brummett discusses how the current political climate looks good for GOP chances in November. President Obama’s approval rating plummets. Republicans drub Democrats by historically wide margins on the generic question of which party poll respondents favor for the mid-term…

AR-Sen: Oh, Come On. Seriously?

Senator Blanche Lincoln gave her reaction to President Obama’s national address regarding the BP oil spill. And, lest ye be worried that she no longer thinks voters are complete morons who will buy anything she says, she made sure to…