Two days ago, when writing about Representative Mark Martin’s assertion that he had his district office (for which he is reimbursed by the state) at 9310 Wagon Wheel Rd. in Springdale, which is where he also claimed that his company,…
AR-Sec. State: I Love The Smell Of Irony In The Afternoon
I was perusing Mark Martin’s Campaign Contribution & Expenditure (CC&E) Reports today when I noticed this in Martin’s July report: (click to increase ironic beauty) Now, as you may well know, Arkansas Code Annotated § 7-6-203 (2010) limits the total…
AR-Sec. State: Tangled Up In Blue Hog Report
Alt-title: Oh, what a tangled world-wide web we weave… Last night, when I scheduled today’s 9 a.m. post about Rep. Mark Martin’s apparent abuse of state reimbursements and possible ethics violations, I was pretty sure that one post would not…
AR-Sec. State: Oh, Look, There's More
For background, read this post first. In it, I wrote Nor is a little confusion about overlapping address use the only issue here. Consider, too, Martin’s phone. The above invoice lists M3‘s phone number as (479) 466-7386, and the company’s…
AR-Sec. State: Martin Does His Best Gordon Gekko Impression
A week ago, Secretary of State candidate Pat O’Brien released a statement pointing out that “for just the year 2009[,] [Representative Mark] Martin had charged taxpayers $56,290.00 for reimbursements in addition to his legislative salary.” O’Brien further “charged that Rep.…
Shameless Self-Promotion: The Two-Day Hangover, Week 3
In which we complain about the Texans’ performance versus the Cowboys, reference a legendary bluesman, touch on obscure hip hop recommendations, mock poor choices in personalized jerseys, rip apart the idiocy of a Colts blogger, and just generally ramble in…