While we looked at the candidates’ social-media presence fairly often during the primary, we haven’t done much with it since. To that end, I am going to review the online presence of each candidate (not counting independents or write-ins) in…
AR-02: Well, That's One Way To Put It
I was working on the AR-02 social-media analysis, when I noticed something interesting. Rather than simply tell you, however, I have an idea; let’s play a game. Tell me what you notice about this screen shot. Did you see it? …
Arkansas Election Line: Constitutional Officers
Back in June, after the primary and run-off elections (or partisan primary and general primary, if you want be specific about such things), the Election Line rated all of the constitutional offices that featured both a Republican and a Democrat. …
(Partially) Off-Topic: Shameless Self-Promotion Redux
In which I gratuitously use Anchorman quotes to distract from the navel-gazing nature of this post… “I’m very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.” Week 2 of the NFL season, which means Week…
AR-01: Social Media Usage And Analysis
While we looked at the candidates’ social-media presence fairly often during the primary, we haven’t done much with it since. To that end, I am going to review the online presence of each candidate (not counting independents or write-ins) in…
AR-02: Elliott Hammers Griffin on Fair-Tax Flip-flop
Kudos to Joyce Elliott for finally taking the offensive and hitting Timmy! Griffin on something. Today, in the candidate forum hosted by the Pulaski County Bar association, Mr. Griffin said he does not support the Fair Tax Initiative contradicting his…