John Boozman is on Twitter. I know this because I follow him (because I am waiting for him to explain what he actually stands for, as Jeff touched on last week.) While he hasn’t really offered up much in the…
HCR: File Under "Not Shocking"
U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson denied the U.S. Justice Department’s motion to dismiss under F.R.C.P. 12(b)(6) today, ruling that the complex constitutional issues raised by the case required a full hearing on the merits. The suit, Commonwealth of Virginia…
AR-01: Why One Crawford Donor Should Give You Pause
One of my favorite clichéd bits of wisdom is “tell me about your friends, and I will tell you about yourself.” (I am also partial to never get less than twelve hours sleep, never play cards with a guy who…
HCR: Popularity Movin' On Up, No Word On Deluxe Apartment In Sky
According to Kaiser’s Health Tracking Poll: The July Health Tracking Poll indicates overall public support for the health reform law is steady from June, while unfavorable views of the law have trended downward. Half the public (50%) now expresses a…
Immigration: Judge Correctly Blocks Some Parts Of AZ Immigration Law
Well this is sure to draw scads of hyperbolic, ignorant, and/or legally inaccurate rants from conservative television and radio (and probably from Mike Ross, as he seems to tow the Republican line on this issue, even going so far as…
AR-Sen: Boozman As Sisyphus
Still pushing that rock up the hill, John Boozman writes: Instead of making hard decisions to change this course, President Obama and his allies in Congress, including Senator Lincoln, have vowed to throw money at every problem they encounter —…