Tag: AR-Gov

End of Week Miscellany

“I thought you had the day off yesterday.” “I did!  I went in to pick up my check, came home, my supervisor called me about four o’clock.  Told me he got me on tape, doing a link dump.” King of…

AR-Gov: Putting Beebe's Win In Context

Sitting here, just over two weeks after the general election, I am still somewhat amazed by Governor Mike Beebe’s performance at the polls.  Check out this list: 1976: David Pryor, 83.2%, 1978: Bill Clinton, 63.36% 1980: Frank D. White, 51.93%…

#ARPostMortem: Marginalized

A quick lunchtime peek around the margins of defeat (or victory, depending on your perspective) in the federal races and AR-Gov.  All numbers are from votenaturally.org, and all numbers are subject to slight changes unless otherwise noted. AR-Sen: John Boozman…