In “it isn’t technically ironic, but it’s close enough that most people would call it ‘irony’” news, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is now running ads in support of Blanche Lincoln. “In Arkansas, we depend on our small businesses, and,…
Tag: AR-Sen
AR-Sen, AR-02: You must choose, but choose wisely
According to this article, voters in Faulker County are faced with a tough choice in Arkansas’s partisan primary on May 18 — do they choose to vote in the Republican primary to that they can support Gilbert Baker, or do…
AR-Sen: Oh, so you're one of them freaks, get geeked at the sight of an ATM receipt
I’m trying to figure something out, and I hope you can help me. Let’s put it in timeline form, just so we can see the big picture. 10/28/08 — Goldman Sachs, Inc., receives $10 billion in TARP funds in exchange…
AR-Sen: Lincoln Leads, Still Lacks 50%+1
I have absolutely no idea how I failed to mention this last week, but the latest Daily Kos / Research 2000 poll has Blanche Lincoln leading Bill Halter 45% to 33%, with 6% for D.C. Morrison and 16% still undecided…
AR-Sen [Follow-up]: Lincoln To Keep Goldman Donations
In a timely follow-up to my last post, Firedoglake reports that Blanche Lincoln will not return the donations her campaign received from Goldman Sachs despite the civil fraud lawsuit now pending against Goldman (and despite her earlier statement that, as…
AR-Sen: Does Financial Reform Resonate With Voters?
An article at The Huffington Post — HuffPo, as the kids say — discusses the building momentum against Wall Street. Using very broad strokes, the article points to the proposed financial reform bill and the activities of groups like SEIU…
AR-Sen: A Smattering Of Stuff On Lincoln And Halter
(Plus an unavoidable mention of D.C. Morrison.) MSNBC First Read’s “First Thoughts” post has two nuggets about the AR-Sen race. The more noteworthy entry of the two is from Luke Russert’s interview with Bill Clinton. Asked to opine on the…
AR-Sen: In The Blogs
Recently added to the BHR blogroll, the awesomely named Donkeylicious raises a good point about Blanche Lincoln’s more-stringent derivative reform proposal. Namely Take a clear and strong stand against the banks, and if you go down swinging, people will at…
AR-Sen: Lincoln Doing The Cupid Shuffle?
As in, “to the left, to the left, to the left, to the left….” Based on yesterday’s about-face regarding financial reform, it appears so. According to Politico, she dropped her efforts to cooperate with Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) after he…
AR-Sen: Pee On The Fire And Call The Dogs, This Race Is Over
On the heels of yesterday’s poll showing a tight race between Bill Halter and Blanche Lincoln, Talk Business released a poll of 1,357 voters who plan to vote for a Republican in the May 18 preferential primary. 46% John Boozman…