Tag: AR-Sen

AR-Sen: Oops.

I’ve made no secret of being less-than-impressed by Blanche Lincoln’s commercials, but I do have to give her a modicum of credit today. After all, at least she gets to keep hers on the air for more than a few…

Think Tank Memorial End-of-Day Miscellany

According to the Kubler-Ross model, there are five discrete stages people go through when dealing with grief or tragedy: denial (“No…no…this isn’t happening! Lalalalalala, I can’t hear you!!” /sticks fingers in ears), anger (“ARGH! Me smash things! Stupid grief!!! /punches…

AR-Sen: Lincoln Twin Bill

Along with the ad Jeff mentioned earlier, Senator Blanche Lincoln released a second ad regarding her position on healthcare reform. /crickets //tumbleweeds ///random guy in the background lets loose a single cough ////people nervously look at one another as the…