Tag: AR-Sen

AR-Sen: Halter With 4 Point Lead

New DK/R2K poll shows Halter with a 4 point lead (MOE 4%), which is coming dangerously close (for Lincoln) to becoming statistically significant. Democratic primary Blanche Lincoln (D) 45 (44) Bill Halter (D) 49 (47) Undecided 6 (9) Favorable/Unfavorable (among…

AR-Sen: Lincoln's Final Ad

If Bill Halter’s most recent ad was a second lesson in “it’s not what you say, it’s what people hear,” Blanche Lincoln’s new ad could serve as a case study in what happens when you don’t follow that rule. At…

AR-Sen: Halter's Final Ad

My apologies. We got so embroiled in the Land Commissioner email story that I forgot to post Bill Halter and Blanche Lincoln’s final pre-runoff ads. First, Halter: I mentioned after Halter’s previous ad that I was impressed with the work…

AR-Sen: And The Crowd Goes…Mild.

Via Daily Kos, here’s a picture of the crowd at the Clinton-Lincoln Dog & Pony Show: Blanche Lincoln 2010: Catch The Thrill! (Also, if this picture is representative of the overall demographics of the crowd, holding the event at Philander…

AR-Sen: Philander Smith as Prop?

That’s the charge by Bill Halter, anyway. On the eve of former President Bill Clinton’s planned return to Arkansas to boost Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s reelection campaign, Democratic primary challenger Bill Halter’s campaign is charging Lincoln with “hypocrisy” over the venue…

AR-Sen: Credit Where It's Due

Regarding the compromised reached on the proposed repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” Sen. Lincoln said: Military readiness remains my top priority.  I trust our military leaders to make the right decision on this issue.  I am satisfied that a…