Tag: Austerity

The De-Regulation Bamboozle

If you were to ask your basic, stereotypical CEO crybaby, such as Jamie Dimon, what the biggest threat to freedom is, they would undoubtedly answer “regulation.” Because, you know, there’s nothing worse than asking corporations play by the rules.  But…

GOP: Not Willing To Compromise

In case you were worried that post-partisan politics might be on the horizon, don’t be. GOP says compromise not on the agenda if they retake the House. “Look, there will be no compromise on stopping runaway spending, deficits and debt.…

Econ 101: DeLong on Britain

Brad DeLong takes issue with the new policies of British Conservatives. Their shame would not be quite so great if they had a theory about what elements of spending will grow to offset their 9% of GDP planned fiscal contraction.…