Tag: BHR Features

AR-Land Comm: Bryant Endorsed By NWA Paper

Via commenter Cross47, L.J. Bryant has received the endorsement from a northwest Arkansas paper (subscription required unfortunately).  Because I can’t access the article and paste from it, I’ll copy-and-paste from the original 5 Questions we did with Bryant. Philosophically, I…

5 Questions: Bill Halter

[The second in BHR’s 5 Questions series. For an explanation, see here. For our previous 5 Questions responses, see here.] 1. Senator Lincoln has tried time and time again to tie your name to “outsourcing.” As a real response to…

5 Questions: L.J. Bryant

1. What do you see as the greatest challenge facing the next Land Commissioner? What specific steps will you take to remedy these issues? Given this difficult economy, delinquencies will likely rise.  Giving consumers the option to pay delinquent property…