Tag: Bill Halter (D)

Friday Gallimaufry

Odds and ends to end an odd week. Maybe “Natural State Compact”?  You might have heard about a dispute between Arkansas State University and the Bill Halter campaign over the use of the phrase “Arkansas Promise.”  Long story short, as…

AR-Sen: Lincoln Misses DADT Vote

Pop quiz: why did Blanche Lincoln miss today’s vote for cloture on the filibuster that is holding up, among other things, the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell? “Senator [Blanche] Lincoln didn’t make it back to this vote because she…

AR-Sen: Lincoln Twin Bill

Along with the ad Jeff mentioned earlier, Senator Blanche Lincoln released a second ad regarding her position on healthcare reform. /crickets //tumbleweeds ///random guy in the background lets loose a single cough ////people nervously look at one another as the…