Tag: Bill Halter (D)

AR-Sen: In The Blogs

Blue Arkansas blog offers a rundown of the most recent Rasmussen polling numbers for Blanche Lincoln’s seat. UPDATE: Not surprisingly, Faith and Freedom Coalition is embracing the very bias that Blue Arkansas mentioned.

AR-Sen: Halter Raises More Than $2M in 31 Days

Following last night’s deadline for first-quarter financial reporting, Carol Butler, campaign manager for Bill Halter, said that the candidate had raised over $2M since announcing that he would seek Blanche Lincoln’s Senate seat. Obviously, given the monetary lead Lincoln had…

AR-Sen: Blanche Goes Negative (Again)

The Huffington Post has a copy of the most recent Blanche Lincoln mailer, in which she implies that Halter has a prescription drug problem.  The mailer also repeats the incredibly unoriginal “Dollar Bill” Halter nickname, and continues to equate “sitting…