I like the commercial; it’s straight-forward, well-done, does not mention Bryant’s opponents by name, and takes a stance on something that most voters would naturally agree with. The “Transparency” and “Advanced Technology” graphics were well-placed, too, in my opinion. The…
Tag: Campaign Ads
AR-Sen: Lincoln Uses Indian Imagery In Mailer
Last Friday, I mentioned this racist anti-Halter ad, and opined: One would hope that the [Blanche] Lincoln campaign would denounce the ad tomorrow if not sooner (though, at this point, I won’t hold my breath). After all, given that Lincoln…
AR-Sen: One-Sixtieth Of The Truth
The Blanche Lincoln camp launched a new ad today, entitled “We Can Again.” (Apparently, they thought “Yes, We Can Again” would be too obvious.) Take a gander: As recent political ads go, this one is pretty well done, at least…
AR-Sen: Clinton, Obama Support Lincoln In Radio Ads
As I am sure most people know by now, Presidents Clinton and Obama have cut radio ads in the last few days in support of Blanche Lincoln. I’ve yet to hear any of the ads (there are three, as Clinton…
AR-Sen: Friday Poorly Done Campaign Commercial Trifecta Hits!
First it was Tim Wooldridge. Then it was Chad Causey. If you had Chamber of Commerce qua Blanche Lincoln for the third slot on your card, you win! Holy. Crap. Seriously? No, I mean seriously? At no point during the…
AR-01: /bangs head against desk
It seems Tim Wooldridge isn’t the only candidate in AR-01 to roll out a new commercial; Chad Causey has a new one as well. Interestingly enough, the ads have some similarities. Both seem to feature the candidate in a situation…
AR-Sen: Being A U.S. Senator Is Like Crack Cocaine
John Brummett says he is sick of both Blanche Lincoln and Bill Halter. This is a nothing less than a classic case study in the decline of modern political discourse. I can’t think of a single issue that has been…
AR-01: Wooldridge Is Not A Carburetor?
Noted horrible person Tim Wooldridge has a new commercial out. If metaphors were people, whomever designed this ad would be wanted for murder. I mean, is Wooldridge the carburetor? That would kind of make sense, inasmuch as the carburetor is…
AR-02: Wills Pledges No Negative Campaigning In Primary
I just received the following from Robbie Wills’ campaign: Wills Pledges No Negative Campaigning In Primary Says attacks hurt party, takes attention away from issues Little Rock, AR April 29, 2010 – Today Speaker Robbie Wills issued a statement promising the…
AR-Sen: Silly Internet And Its Ability To Make Disproving Claims Much Easier
Another day, another attack by Blanche Lincoln that just begs for context and for her own record to be thrown back in her face. (h/t Blake’s Think Tank) First, the new ad: I love that, in an ad designed for…