Tag: Environmental Reform

GOP: And So It Begins…

All aboard the Crazy Train! Next stop: ScienceFailAdelphia! Fresh off a dramatic victory in which it retook the House leadership, the Republican Party intends to hold major hearings probing the supposed “scientific fraud” behind global climate change. [***] Holding hearings…

AR-Sen: Oh, Come On. Seriously?

Senator Blanche Lincoln gave her reaction to President Obama’s national address regarding the BP oil spill. And, lest ye be worried that she no longer thinks voters are complete morons who will buy anything she says, she made sure to…

GOP: Faster Fish

We’ve been talking so much about technology around here lately that I just had to post this story, despite the fact that it has nothing to do with Arkansas directly. It seems that the GOP has decided that the best…

AR-02 In The Blogs: Final Debate

Via The Arkansas Blog, we have some more details on the final pre-primary debate between AR-02 Democratic candidates. Mark your calendar: The Arkansas Times will bring together the five Democratic candidates to succeed U.S. Rep. Vic Snyder for a debate…

AR-02: Debate Wrap-Up

Suzi Parker of Talk Business opened her article on the debate with a simple observation: It was the night to confront Speaker of the House Robbie Wills. Notable comments from Parker: Wills held his own, stating firmly his record as…