Tag: Federal Lawmaking

AR-Land Comm: Thurston Gets It

Credit where it’s due: as promised by his campaign earlier today, John Thurston replied to my email. I just spoke with the Ethics Commission.  You are absolutely right according to law a PAC must have a registered resident agent.  Although,…

AR-GOP: Penny For Your Thoughts?

Last week, I noted that Rep. Mark Martin had illegally accepted a donation from an improperly formed Political Action Committee (PAC), the Twin Lakes Republican Women’s Club. Well, predictably (because PACs generally donate to a bunch of candidates, not just…

AR-Sen: Lincoln Twin Bill

Along with the ad Jeff mentioned earlier, Senator Blanche Lincoln released a second ad regarding her position on healthcare reform. /crickets //tumbleweeds ///random guy in the background lets loose a single cough ////people nervously look at one another as the…

AR-02: Ugh.

Pop quiz, hotshot. You are an underdog candidate in a race against an opponent with more cash, a better ground game, and better connections. Your assets in the race are that you are running in the bluest district in the…