The Blanche Lincoln camp launched a new ad today, entitled “We Can Again.” (Apparently, they thought “Yes, We Can Again” would be too obvious.) Take a gander: As recent political ads go, this one is pretty well done, at least…
Tag: Federal Lawmaking
AR-01 In The Blogs: Wooldridge video missing
First, let this serve as a reminder to all AR-01 Democrats that David Cook is by far the best candidate to represent your district in Washington D.C. It’s really not even close. In that same vein, via Max Brantley, we…
AR-Sen: Fort Smith Paper Finds Way To Endorse Republican in Dem Primary
The Fort Smith City Wire has endorsed D.C. Morrison in the May 18 preferential primary. Though they admit that their endorsement is “unlikely to help him capture much support among the 17 people in the Fort Smith region voting in…
Immigration Reform: A Look At The Dem Proposal
As you may have heard, the Democrats have proffered a proposal for immigration reform. Perhaps most surprisingly, it is only twenty-six pages long. I’m sure we’ll have much more on this issue as it moves forward, but after reading through…
AR-Sen: Being A U.S. Senator Is Like Crack Cocaine
John Brummett says he is sick of both Blanche Lincoln and Bill Halter. This is a nothing less than a classic case study in the decline of modern political discourse. I can’t think of a single issue that has been…
AR-01 In The Blogs: Why Are Arkansas Unions Supporting A Candidate Who Won’t Support Them?
I was about to do a post on why the AFL-CIO would endorse Chad Causey when I saw that ARDem at Blue Arkansas Blog had already asked the exact same question. On his facebook page, Chad Causey is touting the…
AR-Sen: Silly Internet And Its Ability To Make Disproving Claims Much Easier
Another day, another attack by Blanche Lincoln that just begs for context and for her own record to be thrown back in her face. (h/t Blake’s Think Tank) First, the new ad: I love that, in an ad designed for…
AR-Sen [Follow-Up]: Lincoln To Keep Goldman Donations
Remember the halcyon days of yesterweek when Blanche Lincoln gave a straightforward “no” when asked if she would return the Goldman Sachs’ campaign contributions? Remember how I wrote: [B]y playing the “they had paid off TARP” card as an excuse…
AR-02: Debate Wrap-Up
Suzi Parker of Talk Business opened her article on the debate with a simple observation: It was the night to confront Speaker of the House Robbie Wills. Notable comments from Parker: Wills held his own, stating firmly his record as…