I almost let this slip through the cracks, but Blake Rutherford reports that Joyce Elliott raised $123,000 in 1Q fundraising. Elliott was, of course, the last of the AR-02 Democratic candidates to release her total, and the number places her…
Tag: Fundraising
AR-04: Rankin Releases Fundraising Total
Beth Anne Rankin reports that she raised $38,294 in 1Q fundraising. FEC reports for the other two candidates, Glenn Gallas (R) and Rep. Mike Ross are not yet available. While I have no basis to speculate on Gallas’s total, if…
AR-02: Robbie Wills Is The Leader In The Fundraising Clubhouse
According to Gerard Matthews (who, by the way, has done a nice job filling in for Max Brantley of late), Robbie Wills raised $327,000 in 1Q fundraising, putting the current AR-02 standings at: Robbie Wills: $327,000 David Boling: $250,000 John…
AR-02: Kennedy Releases 1Q Fundraising Totals
Remember the halcyon days of last week, when I opined: I would speculate further and say that there is little reason to think Kennedy beat Adams’ $50,000 in 1Q fundraising, given that Kennedy did not immediately try to trump the…
AR-02: Poll Results Surprising, But Not For Reasons You Might Think
Talk Business polled 446 voters in the second congressional district, and the results were a little surprising, at least on the surface. 21% Joyce Elliott 16% Robbie Wills 11% Patrick Kennedy 7% David Boling 4% John Adams 41% Undecided A…
AR-02: If Sarcasm Were Money, Kennedy Would Lead All Fundraisers
Blake Rutherford reports that John Adams raised $50,000 in the first quarter, but suggests (rightly, in my opinion) that the sum is probably good for only fourth place behind Robbie Wills, Joyce Elliott, and David Boling, in that order. What…