Crime rates have been decreasing in Arkansas. So why are Arkansas politicians pushing measures that will increase prison populations?
Tag: Guest Posts
Guest Post: Who and What is Behind @ARTermLimits ?
By: Bradley Phillips As far as my political ideology, I suppose I’m somewhat ambiguous, lying in some sort of moderate/libertarian limbo. I am neither blue, nor a hog, and seeing as there was not a “Purple Wolf Report” anywhere, Mr…
Guest Post: Rebutting Carter
[Friend and reader “The Hypo” took issue with Rep. Davy Carter’s statements in yesterday’s joint article. He wrote the following guest post in response. Enjoy.] As noted here and elsewhere, the House recently adopted a policy banning the use of…
Guest Post: An Economic Allegory, by BFD
Husband: Hi, honey, I’m … whoa! You look terrible. Tell your Big Daddy all about it. Wife: I’ve only been this sick a couple of times, but not since the 1930s have I been this bad. 17%* of me isn’t…