When Rep. Nate Bell says it’s impossible to kill the Private Option in 2014, what he really means is, “here’s how I plan to kill the Private Option in 2014 without actually telling anyone.” Yeah…the whole thing is as shady as it sounds.
Tag: HCR
End-of-Week Miscellany: Snow Day Linkdump Edition
“Look at the big jerk. He ruined my life, and for what? A STUPID KID! Because of you, I am stuck in this frozen wasteland!” “Wasteland? I think you mean Wonderland! I mean, how about all this fabulous snow, huh?!…
Two Quick Thoughts On The HCR Ruling
By now, assuming you do not live under a rock and are not in a coma of some sort, you’ve likely heard that a federal judge in Florida ruled against the constitutionality of the federal healthcare reform bill on Monday.…
Learning Language With David Meeks
Irony (i·ro·ny), –noun 1. the humorous or mildly sarcastic use of words to imply the opposite of what they normally mean 2. an instance of this, used to draw attention to some incongruity or irrationality 3. incongruity between what is…
Econ 101: The GOP and The CBO
Yesterday, the Congressional Budget Office released its estimates on the costs that would accompany a full repeal of healthcare reform. The New York Times reports that [t]he nonpartisan budget scorekeepers in Congress said on Thursday that the Republican plan to…
AR-House 46: Professor Meeks Opines On The Law
You knew it was coming: opponents of the healthcare reform bill here in Arkansas are agog in the wake of Judge Henry Hudson’s ruling that the individual mandate-portion of the Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional. One of those most giddy…
HCR (Breaking): Va. Judge Finds Individual Mandate Unconstitutional
UPDATE (1:25pm): Content partner Jason Tolbert has the .pdf of the actual ruling, which you can read here. More thoughts forthcoming on this, I’m sure. — Judge Henry Hudson today held that the individual mandate in the healthcare reform bill…
Adventures in Idiocy: Worst Letter to the Editor, Dec. 8, 2010
Continuing my current favorite feature, let’s peek at page 9B of the good ol’ Democrat-Gazette and see what we can see. Hmmm…a letter suggesting restricting the number of children a woman on welfare can have, a letter that raves about…
Adventures In Idiocy: The Worst Letter To The Editor, November 11, 2010
The dumb letters to the editor in yesterday’s Democrat-Gazette were just your run-of-the-mill, garden-variety type, and none really warranted a post. You knew THAT couldn’t last, however. Now when men like Clyde Holloway of Searcy were out there to opine…
Adventures In Idiocy: The Worst Letter To The Editor, November 9, 2010
I’d already planned on making today’s Democrat-Gazette the first from which I hoped to pull the worst letter (as judged by me) and write a post about it. Little did I know that today’s paper would be a veritable cornucopia…