In case you were worried that post-partisan politics might be on the horizon, don’t be. GOP says compromise not on the agenda if they retake the House. “Look, there will be no compromise on stopping runaway spending, deficits and debt.…
Tag: HCR
AR-01: Causey, Crawford Tape Debate
AR-01 candidates Chad Causey (D), Rick Crawford (R), and Ken Adler (G) taped a debate today that will air tonight at 6:30 on AETN. Here’s a sneak peek at what transpired according to one source who I spoke to. •…
AR-Sen: Lincoln Twin Bill
Along with the ad Jeff mentioned earlier, Senator Blanche Lincoln released a second ad regarding her position on healthcare reform. /crickets //tumbleweeds ///random guy in the background lets loose a single cough ////people nervously look at one another as the…
HCR, etc.: If I Am Elected, I Will Bring The Dodo Back From Extinction
Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo looks at what won’t happen even if the Democrats lose the House in November. The Democrats passed Health Care Reform. They passed Financial Services Reform. And though they’ll likely not get credit for it…
HCR: File Under "Not Shocking"
U.S. District Court Judge Henry Hudson denied the U.S. Justice Department’s motion to dismiss under F.R.C.P. 12(b)(6) today, ruling that the complex constitutional issues raised by the case required a full hearing on the merits. The suit, Commonwealth of Virginia…
HCR: Popularity Movin' On Up, No Word On Deluxe Apartment In Sky
According to Kaiser’s Health Tracking Poll: The July Health Tracking Poll indicates overall public support for the health reform law is steady from June, while unfavorable views of the law have trended downward. Half the public (50%) now expresses a…
HCR: Dumas Spells Out AR Benefits
A funny thing happened on the way to the ultimate destruction of Arkansas that Timmy! Griffin, et al., predicted from the health care reform bill: some people actually took the time to explore just how Arkansas will benefit. Maybe only…
HCR: Reform Bill To Tax Wounded Veterans For Prosthetics? Not Really.
If you follow GOP talking points at all, you might have heard that the healthcare reform bill is imposing a tax on users of prosthetic limbs and that, despite benevolent attempts by Republicans to the contrary, Democrats even voted not…
AR-House 46: Some People Never Learn. And Some Of Those People Want To Be Your Rep.
There are plenty of things in this world that I don’t pretend to understand. Things like “why does Glenn Beck unironically wear unlaced Chuck Taylors with a sport coat?” and “why, exactly, is Kim Kardashian famous” top the list, but…
Econ 101 (or, perhaps more accurately, Why I Love Krugman)
I think that I’ve mentioned a couple times here at BHR that the GOP cry about stopping government spending right now is asinine and would be disastrous in the long term. It’s basic Keynesian economics, really, but it seems to…