Tag: HCR

AL-02: Nuttier Than Squirrel Turds

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled Arkansas-centric political blogging for this ad from Alabama’s second congressional district. In the crazy-cake-taking contest, the ominous “SLAVERY” from ol’ Abe takes the cake, but that ad was nuts on a number of levels. Though, really,…

AR-Sen: Philander Smith as Prop?

That’s the charge by Bill Halter, anyway. On the eve of former President Bill Clinton’s planned return to Arkansas to boost Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s reelection campaign, Democratic primary challenger Bill Halter’s campaign is charging Lincoln with “hypocrisy” over the venue…

AR-Sen: SEIU Attacks Lincoln On HCR

The Service Employees International Union launched an ad yesterday taking Sen. Lincoln to task on her “no” vote for the “fixes” package sent from the House to the Senate following passage of the Senate’s HCR bill. In response, Friends of…

AR-Sen: One-Sixtieth Of The Truth

The Blanche Lincoln camp launched a new ad today, entitled “We Can Again.”  (Apparently, they thought “Yes, We Can Again” would be too obvious.) Take a gander: As recent political ads go, this one is pretty well done, at least…