As you can see, I have been futzing around with some new templates. There’s a decent chance that, some time in the next few days, regular readers might find BHR unreachable. Do not panic; it will be back whenever I…
Tag: Nerdliness
Friday Funny: You People Are As Loud As You Are Ignorant!
Futurama Thursdays 10pm / 9c Evolution Under Attack Futurama New Episodes Roast of David Hasselhoff It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia (h/t This Scientific Life) (Oh, yeah, we’re back. Posting to re-commence…soonish. Also, Montezuma is a jerk.)
Off-Topic: Greetings from space
The very awesome picture above is the first full-sky picture from the Planck Telescope. Launched in 2009 and costing € 700MM, the Planck Telescope is on a mission to measure tiny variations in the oldest light in the universe —…