If this blog were a goldfish, it would have died from neglect days ago. That’s poor hustle on my part. But enough about that — let’s pretend like we haven’t missed a beat and go straight to the odds and…
Tag: Paul Bookout
SD-21: Primary Postmortem
Baker: $10.88
Rockwell: $37.28
Kidd: $28.00
Roebuck: $31.34
Cooper: $15.75
Sullivan: $31.75
Niell: $99.26
SD-21: Chad Neill Fined $21K For Doing Business Without License
The Arkansas Securities Department, apparently unpersuaded by the inane and meritless arguments of supporters of Chad Niell, has fined the State Senate candidate $21,000.00 for engaging in money-transfer services for three years without a license. Here is the consent order.…
SD-21: Chad Niell & The Paper(work) Tiger
One of the Republican candidates for the seat vacated by Paul Bookout, Chad Niell, is the President of Tiger Commissary Services, Inc., d/b/a Tiger Correctional Services. Since the late 1990s, Tiger has provided an increasingly broad range of services to the…
Fixing the Campaign-Finance Problems: A High-Tech Proposal
Last Friday, shortly after I filed an ethics complaint against Lt. Gov. Mark Darr, I saw his public comments regarding the entire fiasco. Suffice it to say, I don’t think that, “this was my first race for public office, [so]…
Mark Darr Has A Problem With His TPS CC&E Reports
Let’s start with what this post is not: it is not, in any way, a minimization or excuse for what Sen. Paul Bookout did. Quite the opposite, in fact; this is a post showing how use of campaign funds for…