I’d already planned on making today’s Democrat-Gazette the first from which I hoped to pull the worst letter (as judged by me) and write a post about it. Little did I know that today’s paper would be a veritable cornucopia…
Tag: Paul Greenberg
AR-Sec. State: Dr. Strangebilling (Or How Mark Learned To Stop Worrying And Bilk The Taxpayer)
Republican candidate for Secretary of State Mark Martin is the gift that keeps on giving, and, by “giving,” I mean “finding ways to suck taxpayer money into his own pocket.” His problems abiding by certain rules for office reimbursements are…
AR-02: Greenberg Hearts Timmy!
Considering that Paul Greenberg has been Timmy! Griffin’s most consistent fluffer for months now, it was not the least bit surprising to see that the Democrat-Gazette endorsed Timmy! yesterday. Nearly twice the length of most of the D-G’s endorsements 1,…
Hooray For Fair Use!
If you have reason to pay attention to such things, you might have heard that Righthaven — the litigious group who is suing bloggers for having the unmitigated gall to (gasp!) quote from newspaper stories — had their suit against…
AR-01: Causey, Crawford Tape Debate
AR-01 candidates Chad Causey (D), Rick Crawford (R), and Ken Adler (G) taped a debate today that will air tonight at 6:30 on AETN. Here’s a sneak peek at what transpired according to one source who I spoke to. •…
End-of-Day Miscellany: It's Friday, You Ain't Got No Job…
Loverboy was right; everybody’s blogging for the weekend. Or something like that. Jason Tolbert points to Timmy! Griffin taking his ridiculous radio ad to a television screen near you. No, you are not high1; Tim Griffin is actually making CHARACTER…