I think that I’ve mentioned a couple times here at BHR that the GOP cry about stopping government spending right now is asinine and would be disastrous in the long term. It’s basic Keynesian economics, really, but it seems to…
Tag: President Obama
AR-Sen: White House Giving Lincoln The Silent Treatment?
The Huffington Post thinks so. The White House is still formally supporting Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s re-election bid as the Arkansas Democratic primary approaches its runoff vote on Tuesday. But over the past few weeks, as the incumbent senator’s prospects for…
AR-Sen: Philander Smith as Prop?
That’s the charge by Bill Halter, anyway. On the eve of former President Bill Clinton’s planned return to Arkansas to boost Sen. Blanche Lincoln’s reelection campaign, Democratic primary challenger Bill Halter’s campaign is charging Lincoln with “hypocrisy” over the venue…
GOP: Faster Fish
We’ve been talking so much about technology around here lately that I just had to post this story, despite the fact that it has nothing to do with Arkansas directly. It seems that the GOP has decided that the best…
AR-Sen: Rasmussen, Arkansas Voters, & Cognitive Dissonance
By now, I assume most people have seen the most recent Rasmussen poll showing John Boozman with a sizable lead in hypothetical matchups against both Blanche Lincoln and Bill Halter. On the surface, the numbers were pretty damning. A new…
AR-Sen: "Lincoln’s cynically dishonest campaign" Costs Her At Least One Vote
That would be the vote of John Brummett. Brummett’s stance is interesting to me primarily because it was only late last month that he wrote: I would tell you how I’m newly thinking of voting in this race, but I…
AR-Sen [Follow-Up]: President Obama's Pro-Lincoln Ad
(h/t Blake’s Think Tank) Here is the copy of the aforementioned radio ad that President Obama cut in support of Senator Lincoln. This is President Barack Obama and I want to tell you why I support Senator Blanche Lincoln for…
AR-Sen: Clinton, Obama Support Lincoln In Radio Ads
As I am sure most people know by now, Presidents Clinton and Obama have cut radio ads in the last few days in support of Blanche Lincoln. I’ve yet to hear any of the ads (there are three, as Clinton…
AR-02: Griffin, Wallace Given 20 Chances To Recite Tired Cliches
I know I’m a little bit late on this one, but Republican AR-02 candidates Tim Griffin and Scott Wallace recently did a 20-Questions style debate at UALR’s Bowen School of Law. Based on the excerpted answers in the article, both…
AR-Sen: Lincoln Leads, Still Lacks 50%+1
I have absolutely no idea how I failed to mention this last week, but the latest Daily Kos / Research 2000 poll has Blanche Lincoln leading Bill Halter 45% to 33%, with 6% for D.C. Morrison and 16% still undecided…