Tag: Sarah Palin (R)

Up Next On BHR TVLand!

Just sit right back, and you’ll hear a tale A tale of some rightward twits Who threw a party serving tea Aboard a flound’ring ship The mate was a vocal Birtherman The skipper a greedy rube If the passengers should…

GOP: And So It Begins…

All aboard the Crazy Train! Next stop: ScienceFailAdelphia! Fresh off a dramatic victory in which it retook the House leadership, the Republican Party intends to hold major hearings probing the supposed “scientific fraud” behind global climate change. [***] Holding hearings…

AL-02: Nuttier Than Squirrel Turds

We interrupt your regularly-scheduled Arkansas-centric political blogging for this ad from Alabama’s second congressional district. In the crazy-cake-taking contest, the ominous “SLAVERY” from ol’ Abe takes the cake, but that ad was nuts on a number of levels. Though, really,…