Tag: Social Media

AR-01: /bangs head against desk

It seems Tim Wooldridge isn’t the only candidate in AR-01 to roll out a new commercial; Chad Causey has a new one as well. Interestingly enough, the ads have some similarities.  Both seem to feature the candidate in a situation…

AR-02: Debate Wrap-Up

Suzi Parker of Talk Business opened her article on the debate with a simple observation: It was the night to confront Speaker of the House Robbie Wills. Notable comments from Parker: Wills held his own, stating firmly his record as…

AR-02:To Tweet Or Not To Tweet

Query: If Patrick Kennedy is supposed to be the technology-embracing, modern candidate who mixes old school and new school campaigning, why didn’t someone from his staff live-Tweet the debate?  I mean, John Adams (see here), Robbie Wills (see here), and…

AR-02: More On Social Media In Campaigns

Yesterday, I mentioned the seeming lack of understanding by Arkansas candidates on how to implement a coherent social media strategy.  As luck would have it, Patrick Kennedy posted a Facebook note touching (somewhat) on this issue yesterday as well. Sadly,…