Tag: State House

Justin Harris (R-Disingenuous)

I love the word “logomachy,” primarily because it sounds cool when you say it, but, also, because it amuses me to think that there’s a word for a battle over words. (I am similarly entertained by “lethologica,” which is a…

Guest Post: Rebutting Carter

[Friend and reader “The Hypo” took issue with Rep. Davy Carter’s statements in yesterday’s joint article.  He wrote the following guest post in response.  Enjoy.] As noted here and elsewhere, the House recently adopted a policy banning the use of…

A Timeout For The Fab Five

We interrupt our regularly scheduled exposing of the absurdity of “reimbursements” to bring you a bit of positive news. Following last Wednesday’s first post on statutory expense payments, I requested updated records from both the House and Senate, which I…