Tag: Tolbert Report

AR Election Line: AR-02 "Safe Griffin"

The Arkansas Election Line — a collaboration of Talk Business, The Tolbert Report, and Blue Hog Report — announces the first of two changes in our analysis of U.S. Congressional races.  In AR-02, the Election Line moves its rating from…

Think Tank Memorial End-of-Day Miscellany

According to the Kubler-Ross model, there are five discrete stages people go through when dealing with grief or tragedy: denial (“No…no…this isn’t happening! Lalalalalala, I can’t hear you!!” /sticks fingers in ears), anger (“ARGH! Me smash things! Stupid grief!!! /punches…

AR-Sen: Lincoln "Welcomes" Obama

Earlier today, Jason Tolbert tweeted: Pres. Obama will be in Missouri today to raise money for Carnahan for Senate http://bit.ly/bqN3Oq Will he come to Arkansas for Sen. Lincoln? Well, while we don’t know if President Obama will, it seems that…