French Hill is asking that his pay be withheld during the shutdown. The Constitution says he can’t do that.
Cliched as it might be to choose this one, my all-time favorite Shakespearean soliloquy is from Act V of MacBeth, where the title character muses on the life and the passage of time: She should have died hereafter; There would…
When I wrote the first post about Rep. Justin Harris and his daycare, Growing God’s Kingdom (“GGK”), I purposefully kept the post focused entirely on the money received and not the propriety of the money itself. As the story has…
Lost in the drama of the Democrat co-sponsors trying to have their names removed from unconstitutional HB 1002 last week was an accounting of which Democrats actually voted for the bill. There were nine such votes, to wit: John Catlett*…
In what should come as no surprise to anyone who has read BHR for more than about two days, my legal background tends to be the prism through which I view 99% of policy questions. The 1% of the time…
Max has followed SB113 pretty closely, especially the fallout from Rep. Jeff Wardlaw’s (D-8) amendment to the bill, which resulted in the bill being tabled as possibly unconstitutional. Reading Max’s coverage, however, this jumped out at me: Abortion opponents contend…
Let’s ponder something together. C’mon, it’ll be fun. (Note: Author makes no guarantee as to fun of the following exercise.) OK, first, Dictionary.com defines “conservative” as: con·serv·a·tive /kənˈsɜrvətɪv/ [kuhn-sur-vuh-tiv] –adjective 1.disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore…
Maybe I’m only noticing something that goes on all the time, but it seems as if more and more people are whining about rights and (more accurately) how something or something is infringing on a right. Today’s case in point:…
I suppose it says something about this blogger’s ego that my first thought when I saw David Meeks’s prefiled HB 1053, was Meeks had noticed that I wasn’t posting much of late and felt that he should give me something…