Tag: Unemployment

The De-Regulation Bamboozle

If you were to ask your basic, stereotypical CEO crybaby, such as Jamie Dimon, what the biggest threat to freedom is, they would undoubtedly answer “regulation.” Because, you know, there’s nothing worse than asking corporations play by the rules.  But…

Econ 101: On Deficit Spending

As long as we’re knee-deep in economic theory today, I thought I’d touch on something else that’s been bouncing around the Blue Hog Hollowed-Out Volcano Lair: the deficit. After all, you can’t turn on national news these days without hearing…

Econ 101: Austerity Has Unicorns

It’s not my intention to turn this blog into all-econ, all the time.  But, maybe, if we repeat it enough, this message will get through to the amazing number of Arkansans who don’t get it, especially those in office or…