Thoughts, reactions, and (mainly) unnecessarily sarcastic comments regarding Seth Blomeley’s fluffy Democrat-Gazette feature on Secretary of State-elect Mark Martin from last Sunday. “I had the opportunity to deliver checks from the committee to the politicians here in Arkansas,” Martin said.…
Tag: Voting
ARElection: Ballots Missing In Helena
In reconciling the absentee ballot list, a total of 66 ballots turned up missing, according to a spokesman for the Phillips County Election Commission. “The secretary of state has been notified as well as prosecuting attorney Fletcher Long,” said the…
#ARElections: 37 of 75 Counties Reporting
According to, the following counties have reported: Arkansas County Boone County Bradley County Carroll County Clark County Clay County Columbia County Craighead County Drew County Faulkner County Fulton County Garland County Grant County Hempstead County Howard County Independence County…
#ARElections: Counties Reporting
At least according to, which, not surprisingly, seems WAY behind. Arkansas County Boone County Bradley County Clark County Clay County Columbia County Fulton County Grant County Hempstead County Howard County Izard County Jackson County Lee County Little River County…
#ARElections: Cleburne County Early Vote Totals
Just received some info on some of the early voting totals in Cleburne County: AR-Gov: Mike Beebe 1480 Jim Keet 1483 AR-Sen: Booz 2981 Lincoln 796 AR-01 Rick Crawford 1996 Chad Causey 823 (remember, Causey beat beat Tim Wooldridge here…
AR-Constitution: Proposed Amendment 1, Arkansas Hunting Rights Amendment (2010)
[Author’s Note: I started writing this last night (Monday) and planned to finish it early today, but my internet connection had other ideas. Great timing for that, huh?] There seems to be a bit of confusion surrounding proposed amendment 1.…
AR-02: Greenberg Hearts Timmy!
Considering that Paul Greenberg has been Timmy! Griffin’s most consistent fluffer for months now, it was not the least bit surprising to see that the Democrat-Gazette endorsed Timmy! yesterday. Nearly twice the length of most of the D-G’s endorsements 1,…
AR-Sec. State: O'Brien Releases Greatest Ad In The History Of Television*
*I may be a little biased. –Ed.
End-of-Day Miscellany: It's Friday, You Ain't Got No Job…
Loverboy was right; everybody’s blogging for the weekend. Or something like that. Jason Tolbert points to Timmy! Griffin taking his ridiculous radio ad to a television screen near you. No, you are not high1; Tim Griffin is actually making CHARACTER…
End-of-Day Miscellany: "Updates! Getchyer Updates Here!" Edition
I see. So, what you’re saying is that even though you are an almost-paralyzed, multiphobic personality who is in a constant state of panic, your wife did not leave you; you left her because she … didn’t get to this…