Conversing with a local politico who said, “So taking the below, and adding Pat’s 30K spread in Pulaski, this leaves Martin about 10K to make up in the other 25ish counties including 2 heavily GOP counties with almost 300K people.”
Ugh. Double ugh, even.
Hard to argue with the numbers, I guess. Barring some low turnout in NWA or a surprise in terms of extra O’Brien votes, BHR is tentatively calling this race for Rep. Mark Martin.
Congrats, Arkansas, you’ve managed to elect the guy who has sucked a ridiculous amount of extra cash out of the state coffers by violating various laws and campaign rules. Awesome. In addition to your own reactionary anti-Democrat myopia, which allowed you to look past O’Brien’s experience and Martin’s complete lack of anything that would qualify him for this job, you can thank the local press’s refusal to actually report on this in lieu of the state-car issue.
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