Blue Hog Report’s 2018 Tournament of Fools

It’s that time of year again – March Madness! Candidates have filed to run for office and have started fundraising and gearing up for this year’s election. As always, there are a number of people, whether already in a public office or seeking to be in a public office, who are fools to think they should be a public official.

Who is the biggest and bestest fool? Inquiring minds want to know! When there are so many qualified fools, the logical course of action is to mirror what’s going on in sports right now and have a tournament. Through a process involving a delicate mixture of chaos theory and azure porcine predilection, an NCAA “big dance” type bracket has been seeded with 60[footnote]See below about the other four[/footnote] of the highest quality fools we could find to go to the 2018 BHR March Madness Tournament of Fools (otherwise known as the #BHRMadness Big Hoedown).[footnote]YEEEE HAA![/footnote]
The week long tournament begins Monday, March 12, 2018. Round 1 will last two days, but all of the other rounds will occur each weekday, culminating in the crowning of the Champion Fool on Tuesday, March 20, 2018.  The bracket is broken into four distinct regions every Arkansan can relate to:

  1. Over That Way
  2. The Other Side of the Levee
  3. Just Past Where the Old Coke Sign Used to Be
  4. Down Yonder

To keep things interesting, there is one non-human contestant in each bracket. And you can bet the matches will take place in some very unique locations. Color commentary[footnote]Mostly blue[/footnote], along with the highest quality snark BHR readers demand, will be live tweeted, live Facebooked, and live blogged each morning from the brand new BHR Live Remote unit, The Hoggenator.[footnote]Provided we can find an alley we can stop in long enough to steal WiFi from an unsuspecting neighbor with an open network.[/footnote][footnote]…and if we can panhandle enough cash for gas.[/footnote]

She’s a damn beauty…when she starts.

A feature article on each round’s Most Valuable Fool (“MVF”) will be posted at the end of each round at 1 pm.
Download and complete your bracket,[footnote]To help you fill it out, an info sheet on some of the lesser known fools will be posted in the next day or so.[/footnote] and follow @BlueHogReport on the Twitter machine, like us on the Facebook, or come right back here to see the live bloggin’ on the interwebs to see who emerges as Champion Fool.

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