Per Arkansas Matters, and with miles left to go before we sleep, Causey, Griffin, and Rankin lead. No returns yet in AR-03.
Author: bhr_iat2rz
National Update
Senate: D-45, R-33, I-2. House: D-26, R-57. Governors: D-9, R-7.
#ARElections: AR Times Calls AR-Gov for Mike Beebe
No surprise there. The real question is whether Shane Broadway and (to a lesser extent) other down-ballot Dems can ride Beebe’s coattails into office. Update: NBC News agrees with Arkansas Times. Or vice versa. Whatever.
#ARElections: Polls Closing, 7:30pm CST, AR-Sen called
MSNBC Calling AR-Sen for John Boozman (margin unknown). Update: MSNBC buying into the ridiculous lie that Bill Halter’s campaign against Lincoln hurt her to the point that it cost her the race. Weak. I hope to have a post on…
#ARElections: Live Updates
My plan is to begin updating statewide and AR federal races (as well as some state house/senate races as time allows) as soon as the polls close and results start rolling in. So, you know, refresh often and whatnot. (And,…
AR-Constitution: Proposed Amendment 1, Arkansas Hunting Rights Amendment (2010)
[Author’s Note: I started writing this last night (Monday) and planned to finish it early today, but my internet connection had other ideas. Great timing for that, huh?] There seems to be a bit of confusion surrounding proposed amendment 1.…
Arkansas Election Line: Auditory Prognosticatin'
Have you been thinking, “gee, I wish there was a way I could hear even more opinions from Matt?” No? Well, regardless, here’s your chance: a discussion on the major races with Roby Brock and Jason Tolbert. (You can also…
AR-Sec. State: Dr. Strangebilling (Or How Mark Learned To Stop Worrying And Bilk The Taxpayer)
Republican candidate for Secretary of State Mark Martin is the gift that keeps on giving, and, by “giving,” I mean “finding ways to suck taxpayer money into his own pocket.” His problems abiding by certain rules for office reimbursements are…
AR-Lt. Gov: More On Darr, His Promises, and General Silliness
After our less-than-charitable post last month about his new commercial, one of Mark Darr’s supporters again brought up the “private sector experience” thing on Twitter in response. @KeithEmis wrote: Shane has voted for every tax increase that’s been proposed, he…
AR-01: I'ma Not Huntin' Wabbit
According to Jason Tolbert, the NRA wants AR-01 candidate Chad Causey to remove the NRA’s logo from his most recent commercial. The NRA, per Tolbert, said that the logo is trademarked, and Causey did not have permission to use it. …