[I feel like I should state up front that no one at LobbyUp or Phillips Management asked me to write the following. This is entirely based on my own positive experience with the product. –M] Early last month, I answered…
Category: Law
AR-Sec. State: About Those PAC Filings, Mark
During the race for Secretary of State, an issue arose with some improperly formed PACs that had donated to Mark Martin’s campaign. Being the helpful guy that I am, I contacted the Martin campaign and let them know about the…
Max's House of Incorrect Con Law
Max has followed SB113 pretty closely, especially the fallout from Rep. Jeff Wardlaw’s (D-8) amendment to the bill, which resulted in the bill being tabled as possibly unconstitutional. Reading Max’s coverage, however, this jumped out at me: Abortion opponents contend…
HB 1205: "Do you know what 'beat-down' means?"
I never got around to doing a legislative preview of HB 1205, the Water Additive Accountability Act proposed by former hate group chairman Loy Mauch (R-Crazydelphia), possibly at the behest of nuttier-than-squirrel-turds Jeannie Burlsworth and Secure Arkansas. The bill was…
HB 1284: Now With 4% More Travel-Related Ethics!
HB 1284 — the “Ethics Bill” — passed the House Rules Committee without objection yesterday. Just to recap, this bill would (1) require that legislators use the cheapest means of travel and (2) that legislators elected after this bill’s effective…
2011 Legislative Preview: HB 1134
Programming note: Given the number of bills being filed, the amount of time I actually have to do reviews of such things, and the fact that Punxsutawney Phil did not see his shadow, it’s pretty clear that I won’t be…
Two Quick Thoughts On The HCR Ruling
By now, assuming you do not live under a rock and are not in a coma of some sort, you’ve likely heard that a federal judge in Florida ruled against the constitutionality of the federal healthcare reform bill on Monday.…
Republicans, Rampant Hypocrisy, and Women
Republicans, Rampant Hypocrisy, and Women: Women don’t count.
Opposition to HB 1013 Rife With Ignorance
Rep. Jim Nickels’ proposed HB 1013, which would allow the Contractor’s Licensing Board to impose sanctions on any contractor who, following proper notice and a hearing, “is found by the Contractors Licensing Board to knowingly employ workers without legal authorization…
2011 Legislative Preview: HB 1049
See here for previous posts in this series. Bill Name: AN ACT TO IMPROVE THE SAFETY OF HIGHWAYS AND ROADS BY PROHIBITING WIRELESS TELEPHONE USE IN SCHOOL ZONES Sponsor: Fred Allen (D-33), 501-225-4979, FredAllen99@comcast.net Purpose: To prohibit any “Wireless interactive…