An article at The Huffington Post — HuffPo, as the kids say — discusses the building momentum against Wall Street. Using very broad strokes, the article points to the proposed financial reform bill and the activities of groups like SEIU…
Tag: Campaigning
AR-02: Elliott's 1Q Fundraising
I almost let this slip through the cracks, but Blake Rutherford reports that Joyce Elliott raised $123,000 in 1Q fundraising. Elliott was, of course, the last of the AR-02 Democratic candidates to release her total, and the number places her…
AR-Sen: In The Blogs
Recently added to the BHR blogroll, the awesomely named Donkeylicious raises a good point about Blanche Lincoln’s more-stringent derivative reform proposal. Namely Take a clear and strong stand against the banks, and if you go down swinging, people will at…
AR-04: Rankin Releases Fundraising Total
Beth Anne Rankin reports that she raised $38,294 in 1Q fundraising. FEC reports for the other two candidates, Glenn Gallas (R) and Rep. Mike Ross are not yet available. While I have no basis to speculate on Gallas’s total, if…
AR-Sen: New Talk Business Poll Released
Talk Business polled 1,167 statewide voters regarding their preference in the Democratic preferential primary for U.S. Senator. The results: 38% Blanche Lincoln 31% Bill Halter 10% D.C. Morrison 20% Undecided The margin of error is +/- 3%, which means that…
AR-Sen [Follow-up]: If Not Mitchell Berry, Then Who?
Yesterday, I mentioned (and Blue Arkansas detailed more fully) an attack ad against Bill Halter that was created by a group headed by Marion Berry’s son, Mitchell. Except, then it wasn’t headed by Mitchell Berry; he was merely the lawyer…
AR-02: Kennedy Releases 1Q Fundraising Totals
Remember the halcyon days of last week, when I opined: I would speculate further and say that there is little reason to think Kennedy beat Adams’ $50,000 in 1Q fundraising, given that Kennedy did not immediately try to trump the…
AR-Sen: Weird Gets A Little Weirder
First, there was the news that Marion Berry’s son, Mitchell Berry, was behind a group called Arkansas For Common Sense, which recently launched an ad attack Bill Halter for his position on Social Security. (Marion Berry is a vocal supporter…
AR-02: Kennedy Tweets Boldly; Explains Meekly
Blake Rutherford has an absolutely fantastic post regarding the following tweet by Patrick Kennedy: The arc of a career politician is long and bends towards corruption. PK 12:34 AM April 12th In response to this, Blake emailed Kennedy and asked…
AR-Sen, AR-01: In The Blogs
Blanche Lincoln: Bill Halter takes money from organized labor, and he will answer to them rather than to the voters. Reality: Pot, meet kettle. (h/t Blue Arkansas Blog) **** I have a short post upcoming about some potential issues with…