Rep. Jim Nickels’ proposed HB 1013, which would allow the Contractor’s Licensing Board to impose sanctions on any contractor who, following proper notice and a hearing, “is found by the Contractors Licensing Board to knowingly employ workers without legal authorization…
Tag: Ed Garner (R-41)
2011 Legislative Preview: HB 1017
See here for previous posts in this series. Bill Name: AN ACT CONCERNING THE CREATION OF A WEBSITE TO ASCERTAIN THE REVENUES AND EXPENDITURES OF STATE AGENCIES Sponsor: Ed Garner (R-41), 501-663-7880, Purpose: To create a free searchable online…
AR-GOP: Denny Altes as Vezzini
Let’s ponder something together. C’mon, it’ll be fun. (Note: Author makes no guarantee as to fun of the following exercise.) OK, first, defines “conservative” as: con·serv·a·tive /kənˈsɜrvətɪv/ [kuhn-sur-vuh-tiv] –adjective 1.disposed to preserve existing conditions, institutions, etc., or to restore…
Econ 101: AACF On Capital Gains
Lest you think that Blue Hog Report is the only entity vehemently opposed to Ed Garner’s prefiled HB 1002, Arkansas Advocates for Children and Family offers its take on the bill: Cutting Arkansas’ already generous capital gains taxes would benefit…
2011 Legislative Preview: HB 1005
See here for explanation of what we’re doing. Bill Name: AN ACT TO CHANGE THE STATE NICKNAME BACK TO “THE LAND OF OPPORTUNITY” Sponsor: David Sanders (R-31), no phone listed, Purpose: To change Arkansas’s nickname from “The Natural State,”…
2011 Legislative Preview: HB 1002
With so many pre-filed bills, we thought it might be a good idea to look at each of them prior to the start of the legislative session, discuss what each bill is designed to do and how it will help/hurt…
AR-House Dist. 41: Garnering Dissent, Pt. 1 of 2
While I have written at some length about the flaws inherent in a proposal to remove Arkansas’s capital gains tax, that post was written in the more general context of a blanket removal of all capital gains tax, regardless of…
AR-House Dist. 41: Total Coincidence, I'm Sure
Yesterday, Max did a post about Rep. Ed Garner’s introduction of his capital-gains bill, and, in the post, he linked to an reprint of a Democrat-Gazette article, writing: Rep. Ed Garner, the Republican sales and income tax deadbeat from…
AR-House Dist. 41: Aww, Widdle Eddie Got His Feewings Hurt
I was organizing my Twitter feed today when I noticed that I was not following Rep. Ed Garner (R-41). I figured this was an oversight on my part, so I hit “Follow.” Then I get this: While this is funny…
AR-Lt. Gov: More On Darr, His Promises, and General Silliness
After our less-than-charitable post last month about his new commercial, one of Mark Darr’s supporters again brought up the “private sector experience” thing on Twitter in response. @KeithEmis wrote: Shane has voted for every tax increase that’s been proposed, he…